I’m FongTz (曾競鋒) from M76. I must miss some great reunions before.
I’m delighted to hear this so called “Member Day of KMCC or KMUC” from 逢翔 (屁王) and 欽威, however, disappointment follows because I have to participate in a symposium held in Holland at the same time.
I’d like to say something about myself to whom concerned. I’ve been serving for a region hospital at PingTung City for 6 years, which is named 寶建醫院 after full training at KMU hospital. What I am majoring are endocrinology, diabetes and obesity. 屁王 is my colleague, he is serving the department of GYN/OBS.
Now I have two boys, one is 7 and the other one is 4. They are cute and a little bit sly.
Again, it’s a pity that I can’t participate in this reunion. May all members have a wonderful day.
Cordially, Tzeng Thing Fong